Dermabrasion VS. Microdermabrasion. What Are The Differences?

Dermabrasion VS. Microdermabrasion

If you’ve ever done any research on skin resurfacing procedures, you’ve likely come across treatments like dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. But although these two treatment types have similar names, don’t get them confused—they’re actually two completely different procedures! So what is the difference between dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, and which one should you choose? Read on to find out!

What is dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is a surgical method of removing the top layers of skin. This technique is performed by a dermatologist or surgeon under local or general anesthesia and involves sanding the skin down with a dermabrasion machine, which is a handheld device that has a rotating wheel equipped with wire brushes.

What is dermabrasion?

Who should get a dermabrasion facial?

Because dermabrasion is an intensive treatment, its better suited for people experiencing severe skin concerns. Dermabrasion works best for tackling conditions such as deep acne scarring, intense skin pigmentation, extreme textural abnormalities, and prominent wrinkles to exfoliate the skin and improve its appearance.

Who should get a dermabrasion facial?

What is microdermabrasion?

In comparison to dermabrasion, microdermabrasion offers a lighter level of skin resurfacing without the need for anesthetics or extensive recovery time. Using a microdermabrasion machine to remove dead skin cells, microdermabrasion treatments provide mild abrasion to rejuvenate the skin in a non-invasive way.

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What is microdermabrasion?

Who should get a microdermabrasion facial?

Microdermabrasion is considered a safe and effective treatment for all skin types, so its suitable for anyone who wants to undergo gentle skin restoration. The best candidates for microdermabrasion are individuals who want to target minor skin concerns like slight acne scarring, sun damage, fine lines, age spots, and melasma.

Who should get a microdermabrasion facial?

Where to book a treatment?

Whether you’re searching for a provider for dermabrasion near me or microdermabrasion near me, you’ll easily find specialists for both treatment types on the Booksy app. Once you’ve decided on which type of treatment is best for you, use the Booksy search bar to assist you with finding local specialists and schedule an appointment with your desired provider!

Where to book a treatment?

Considering a dermabrasion or microdermabrasion treatment? Book it on the Booksy mobile app!

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