Most Common Foot Skin Problems And Ways To Treat Them

Most Common Foot Skin Problems And Ways To Treat Them

Our feet are truly the unsung heroes of our body, as they carry our entire weight through the day. Unfortunately, their care is often limited to washing and an occasional pedicure. And that is not enough. Our feet are exposed to abrasions, corns, irritations and cracks. All of these can be avoided by a proper foot care routine. So here comes the question, how do you take care of your feet to keep them in good condition? Below are some tips on how to maintain a good foot care regimen.

Why is proper foot care so important?

The skin on our feet has a specific structure, different from the rest of our body. It doesn’t have many sebaceous glands, so it’s almost completely deprived of hydration. When caring for this part of our body, we should focus on providing the skin with appropriate moisturizing. This will soften the epidermis and reduce the signs of dryness.

What’s more, our feet are also covered with lots of sweat glands that carry away metabolic waste products. Sweat, in contact with bacteria on the surface of the feet, gives off an unpleasant smell. This can lead to uncomfortable situations, especially when we take off our shoes. So, for the sake of our own comfort and safety of feet, we need to provide them with proper care. Baths that will soften the skin, removing dead cells, and moisturizing, these should become obligatory steps during our foot care routine.

Why is proper foot care so important?

What can cause skin problems and foot disorders?

The surface of our feet has excellent conditions for the development of fungi and bacteria. Moisture, from excessive sweating, provides an ideal habitat for them. On the other hand, on too dry skin there is callused epidermis. It cracks over time, especially on the heels, and can lead to painful problems.

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Next, wearing inappropriate footwear can lead to various issues. Skin abrasions, corns and calluses, these are just a few. Wearing high heels for many years can lead to more serious medical issues as well. Finally, poorly performed pedicures can cause ingrowth of the nail plate, which is also a very serious problem.

In order to keep your feet in good shape, you have to take proper care of them. Ignoring any symptoms can only make things worse and lead to bigger problems. Untreated, can finally lead to serious medical conditions.

What can cause skin problems and foot disorders?

Foot and skin issues and how to treat them

Cracked heels

Cracked heels are usually caused by a vitamin A deficiency in our daily diet. Another reason can be excessively keratinized epidermis that dries out quickly. As a result, the skin on our heels begins to crack. Over time, these cracks can become deeper and more painful, and it becomes almost impossible to heal them on your own.

To prevent this from happening, soak your feet daily in warm water and add a bath lotion or salt. Rub into your skin capsules with vitamin A + E or a dedicated lotion. This will soften the epidermis and accelerate its regeneration. After applying these products, put on a pair of cotton socks. To maximize the effects of such a treatment, we recommend doing it in the evening, before going to bed.

Sweaty feet

Sweating of the feet is a physiological phenomenon that we all undergo. Sometimes, however, the amount of sweat produced becomes too big and may even become a medical condition. There are many reasons for excessively sweaty feet. They can be caused by stress, emotional disorders, metabolic disorders, neurological, or some infectious diseases, as well as hormonal changes. An obvious cause is also wearing shoes that are too warm for the weather we are experiencing.

In order to reduce the problem, the calloused epidermis has to be removed. It’s the habitat of bacteria and thus one of the causes of unpleasant smell. It is worth switching to natural, cotton socks that will allow your skin to breathe and absorb excess sweat.

A good idea is to change shoes for lighter ones when you are in warmer conditions. Don’t insist on wearing heavy sports shoes when it’s hot and sunny outside. Opt for lighter shoes that will allow your feet to breathe. After a day of wearing closed-toe shoes, if they’re damp, leave them to dry. You can also consider getting an antibacterial foot deodorant.

Corns and calluses

These problems arise when we wear inappropriate footwear. They are a result of the shoe constantly pressing against a specific part of the foot. The keratinized epidermis that forms at this point becomes thicker and sticks painfully into the body. In order to eliminate corns or calluses, appropriate treatment will be necessary.

The first step is to soak your feet in warm water to soften the epidermis. Then, after drying the skin, you should rub the sore spot with a special fluid or apply a dedicated bandaid. After 2-3 days, you should soak your feet again and use a pumice stone to try to remove the callous epidermis.

Foot and skin issues and how to treat them

Sometimes you’ll need to repeat a treatment a few times before your feet heal. In other cases, where the issue won’t go away, we recommend visiting a specialist. As mentioned above, untreated skin issues on your feet can lead to more serious conditions. So, if in doubt, visit a specialist!

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