Do I Need a Personal Trainer, and What Can They Do For Me?

Do I Need a Personal Trainer, and What Can They Do For Me?

In the midst of a hectic holiday season, hitting the gym and improving your fitness may be the last thing on your mind. That said, taking some time out of your week to focus on your physical health can be a lifesaver, especially amidst all the parties, cookies, frantic shopping, travel and eggnog that often accompanies the holidays. If you want to get a jumpstart on your New Year’s Resolutions, or if you’re more interested in setting up a fitness regimen that makes big, dramatic resolutions less necessary, you might want to consider hiring a personal trainer.

  • Weekly sessions with a personal trainer have been shown to greatly increase the participant’s fitness and activity levels, according to a study cited by Ace Fitness, with 73% of participants moving up at least one stage, and 13% moving up two stages of change in their activity levels
  • According to two studies cited by Lifehacker, male participants who were lifting weights as a form of strength training were able to see better results when supervised by a personal trainer than when lifting weights on their own
  • Only 20% of Americans have a gym membership, according to the Personal Trainer Pioneer website

Personal trainers are a great resource for people new to working out, who want to develop their confidence and knowledge with various aspects of working out, and people who are injury-prone or concerned about safety. While there are many potential benefits of hiring a personal trainer, some people might benefit from their assistance more than others. If you’re thinking of taking your winter workout routine up a notch, consider whether any of the following reasons to hire a personal trainer apply to you:

You have specific goals in mind, but your motivation is lacking.

Maybe you’ve dreamed of one day completing marathon, or even just a 5K, but you keep putting it off. Maybe you want to lift a specific weight, or you’re looking to improve your performance on the court. Maybe you just want to get in better shape, and the cold winter months make staying inside with a book or a movie a lot more appealing than dragging yourself to the gym.

Personal trainers can be a huge tool to help you set goals and stick to them. By committing to a regular training session, you already have the accountability to get yourself to the gym. What’s more, when a trainer is watching you and guiding you through the workouts, it’s a lot harder to settle for five crunches instead of twenty. The discipline you develop in your training sessions is a lot easier to replicate the rest of the week, when you begin to adapt to a more rigorous regimen and notice that your body is capable of keeping up.

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You’ve been doing the same routine for years.

A personal trainer is a great tool if you’re looking for more variety in your workout routine. Switching up your workout can improve results by working new muscle groups and improving flexibility. According to personal trainer Cynthia Sass in an interview with WebMd, personal trainers can also help clients slow down exercises, changing the muscle response of activities they’ve done for years. This can help build strength and improve form. A personal trainer will have different workouts planned each session, introducing you to new machines and movements that can help you improve your overall fitness.

You’re worried about injuries.

Personal trainers are a great tool for improving safety and preventing injuries. You may have a workout routine that feels satisfying and keeps you in shape, but if you’ve noticed a few kinks and pains that are exacerbated by your workout, the guidance of a personal trainer can be a huge help. Personal trainers can show you lower-impact variations of the exercises you’re used to, allowing you to work the same muscle groups while reducing the chances of injury. According to WebMd, this emphasis on correct form, as well as proper warmups and cooldowns, can help reduce pain in addition to preventing injuries.

You’re not getting the results you want from your current routine.

If you’re frustrated with your current fitness level, and you’ve found that you have difficulty sticking to a regimen or improving beyond a certain point of physical fitness, a personal trainer is a great option. Trainers provide accountability and motivation, as well as a personalized workout plan. They can tailor their plan to help you achieve specific goals, whether that’s a certain area of fitness or flexibility you want to improve or a certain accomplishment you’re working towards. By keeping you motivated and encouraged, and personalizing your workouts with your specific needs and abilities in mind, they can help elevate your current routine for better results.

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