Box Dye Gone Wrong? Color Correction Treatment to the Rescue!

Box Dye Gone Wrong? Color Correction Treatment to the Rescue!

Let’s face it, it’s only human that we sometimes lack patience and want to try our hand at doing things ourselves. Sometimes it’s a great success where we save money and time. Other times, we look to remediation almost immediately. When a box dyeing experiment goes wrong, we find ourselves calling up a professional ASAP.

With DIY-ing, you don’t have to deal with shelling out unnecessary money for a not-so-inexpensive dye job. But there’s also a good reason why we should leave hair coloring to the professionals. Besides, they’re the ones with years of experience!

Taking matters into your own hands when it comes to dyeing your hair should be avoided in the first place, but if you’re already past that stage, don’t panic—we’ll give you the rundown of box dye color correction, so that you can achieve the look you were originally aiming for, this time, with the help of a trusted salon professional.

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 box dye color correction

What is color correction and who is it for?

If you’ve managed to achieve an undesirable result from dyeing your hair, then color correction is for you! The main goal of color correction is to fix the result of a dye job that you’re not satisfied with. Depending on your current hair color and the color you want to end up with, the exact process can vary.

Hair color correction can be a fix for dying your hair drastically lighter or darker than your current hair color, but it’s also good for tackling issues such as eliminating brassiness or neutralizing the overall tone of your hair.

When to correct your color

It’s only natural to want to fix your hair quickly following a box dye disaster. But depending on how botched the job is, the timeline isn’t the same for everyone. Consult with your hair care professional individually so they can give you a more accurate timeline.

You may be able to fix your color rather quickly if there’s no major damage done. However, if your home experiment has wreaked havoc on your hair, you may end up needing to give it a rest before delving into the correction process, or you may need to be spread it out across a few different sessions.

When to correct your color

How much does color correction cost?

Because there are different levels to hair color correction, the price of this treatment will depend on the specific length of time required and the steps necessary to get the results you want. Some of these treatments can be rather inexpensive. However, if the process entails multiple sessions you can expect the price to be higher. Consulting with a professional hairstylist will allow you to get a price range.

Hair services like this near me

Now that you know the basics of color correction, the next step to take is finding a salon that you can trust with fixing up your hair. The most important key to choosing a salon for your hair color correction service is selecting a reputable business with credible (and good) reviews—take the time to see what other clients are saying so that you end up making the best choice both for yourself and for your hair.

If you feel like you could use a bit of help in locating a hair salon near you that specializes in color correction, you can use Booksy to easily explore your options. Just be sure to set your location and the service you’re looking for in our search engine bar so that Booksy can give you the most accurate results of hairstylists that offer this service in your area.

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